NW Goldberg Cares, a community development corporation located in the heart of Detroit’s NW Goldberg neighborhood, aims to improve upon the lives of residents in the predominantly African American community by incubating neighborhood businesses, building a strong community and ensuring a family friendly neighborhood.


This is our home. We have a vested interest in this often forgotten historic neighborhood spanning more than 20 years.

NW Goldberg is centrally located, near the city's highways and freeways, and is home to Motown Museum, Henry Ford Health System, Cardinal Health and several other businesses. 

As we honor the history of this vibrant neighborhood, we must continue to build on legacy of those who came before us. We are here to make a difference, spread a little love and sustain one of the biggest comebacks of any Detroit story.  



Daniel A. Washington, born and raised in NW Goldberg, founded the organization in 2017.

Throughout his life, Daniel and his family have actively sought to maintain the viability of the neighborhood by maintaining properties, petitioning the city of Detroit to demolish condemned structures and cleaning up vacant lots.

NW Goldberg Cares formalizes the work he has been doing since he was a child to revitalize, stabilize and rebuild his community.



NW Goldberg’s borders are W. Grand Blvd. to the north, I-94 to the south, Grand River Ave./I-96 to the west, and the John C. Lodge Freeway to the east

NW Goldberg is home to Motown Museum, the Henry Ford Health System Brigitte Harris Cancer Pavilion, Cardinal Health, Recycle Here!, and Marble Bar and several other legacy businesses.

NW Goldberg is also known as “Zone 8”, a moniker derived from our zip code - 48208 and police referencing the negative connotations of the neighborhood during the 80s

NW Goldberg is home to approximately 1,800 residents